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Civil Nuclear R&D Landscape Review

The Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board (NIRAB) have appointed Madano to conduct the 2023 wave of the UK civil nuclear Research and Development (R&D) landscape review.

We expect to collect conduct the research and collate survey responses between June and September 2023, with findings expected in Autumn 2023.

Invitations to participate are welcomed from any organisation or institution who has commissioned or undertaken research and development work in support of the civil nuclear industry over the last year.

The information collated in the survey will form a key input to development of an R&D strategy, will help to provide evidence of the impact recent government and private investment has had on the R&D landscape, and ultimately will inform future decision-making activities. If you want to participate on behalf of your organisation, please email:

Previous outputs from the 2013, 2016, 2019 surveys can be found here



NIRAB HTGR Report and Appendices

NIRAB has produced a report on the RD&I requirements for the development of a High Temperature Gas Reactor by the early 2030s.

The report looks at a variety of use-cases of the HTGR, with a deep dive into the use of nuclear energy for Synthetic Aviation Fuel production. The investigated RD&I within this report has been categorised as either 'essential', 'highly valuable' or 'valuable'. NIRAB has identified 5 areas where further investment is needed. 

The report is combined with an extra appendices document, which includes greater detail on all the RD&I touched upon in the main report. 

NIRAB Annual Report 2022

The third iteration of the Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board (NIRAB) was convened in autumn 2021 comprising of experts from industry, academia, and independent consultants with diverse backgrounds. Since then NIRAB has been developing and evolving and delivering a programme of work. This report provides an overview of the work of NIRAB over the year to October 2022.

Development of the work programme identified three key areas of work: Technology, Delivery, and Use Case. The focus of the NIRAB Technology Working Group (NTWG) is to advise on research and development needs for new nuclear, with a focus on (Advanced Modular Reactors) AMRs. The Delivery Working Group (NDWG) has a focus on innovations in delivery methodology needed to bring forward AMRs, and in particular High Temperature Gas Reactors (HTGRs) to build a demonstrator by early 2030’s. The Use Case Working Group (NUCWG) has a focus on the potential end user requirements and market for AMRs and their role in
decarbonising hard to reach sectors such as, transport and industry to supply to a heat and hydrogen economy, and thus supporting the achievement of Net Zero by 2050.
Over the past 12 months NIRAB has developed and provided several written outputs:
• NIRAB Early Advice to BEIS to support the Advanced Modular Reactor Research, Development and Demonstration Programme (AMR RD&D), March 2022.
• NIRAB Advice to Regulators on Scope of AMR RD&D programme, July 2022.
• NIRAB paper on Review of Nuclear New Build Approval Processes, September 2022.
• Response to House of Lords Inquiry on People and Skills, September 2022.
• NIRAB response to House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry on Nuclear Power, September 2022.
• NIRAB Overview of Impact of Nuclear Innovation Programme (2016-2022), October 2022.
NIRAB has also engaged with senior officials in BEIS on their advice, with regular attendance
at NIRAB plenary meetings from officials and Chief Scientific Advisor Professor Paul Monks.
NIRAB continues to develop its work programme to support the AMR RD&D programme as
part of a roadmap to support delivery of a HTGR demonstrator.
