Dr Mamdouh El-Shanawany is an international expert on nuclear safety. For the last 40 years, he has provided leadership, design, research & development, analysis, management and critical safety assessment, applications of Statutory regulatory requirements and policy development for the nuclear industry in the UK, Canada and Internationally. He is a member of the IAEA team which was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2005.
He is Chief Nuclear advisor to Lloyd’s Register, and visiting Professor of Nuclear Safety, Centre for Nuclear Engineering, at the Imperial College, London University.
Dr El-Shanawany was the Head of the Safety Assessment Section at the IAEA, September 2004 to June 2012. The main responsibilities of the Safety Assessment Section are to strengthen Member States’ capabilities (Regulatory Bodies, Designers and Operators) in effective safety assessment and safety enhancement of nuclear installations.
Professor El-Shanawany is an Independent Expert Evaluator for research project allocations, UK Engineering & Physics Science Research Council and Euratom Nuclear Research and Training, European Commission. He was also a member of Generation IV Technical Advisory Committee of the UK Government’s Department of Trade and Industry.
Prior to joining the IAEA, he was employed by Her Majesty’s Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, the UK Regulatory Body, where he was responsible for managing, assessing and formally agreeing and accepting the Licensees’ arrangements and safety cases for faults studies and severe accidents analysis for the operating plants. In the early nineties he was a Senior Nuclear Safety Specialist, Directorate of Safety Analysis and Assessment, Atomic Energy Control Board, Canadian Government.