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Expression of Interest

NIRAB is not currently seeking new board members.

Selection Procedure

The Chair and Board members will be selected via assessment of applications and informal interview by NIRO and DESNZ representatives.

Personal Data
All personal data provided in connection with applications and membership will be processed in line with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Further details about how your data will be processed can be found in NIRAB’s Members’ Privacy Policy which you should request by emailing

NIRAB needs to draw on a wide range of expertise in order to offer informed advice on a range of issues that may need to be addressed for the future civil nuclear research and innovation programmes. NIRAB therefore comprises of 10-15 members with attendance at meetings (around four per year) being determined by the expertise needed to address specific issues on the agenda. NIRAB will have the option to seek ad-hoc advice from experts as needed, this could be drawn from members’ stakeholder networks, with the option to appoint additional members if deemed necessarily and in agreement with NIRO and the relevant Government sponsor.

Scope of the Role of Member

Membership will encompass a wide range of subject matter expertise, and members will be individuals with the credibility and position to represent their fields. Members will be appointed as individuals on personal contracts and be expected to represent the interests of their field rather than their employer. Members will be invited to join NIRAB for an initial period of three years with membership reviewed periodically beyond this point. All appointments are unfunded, however reasonable travel experiences are reimbursable. Members will be expected to commit up to 10 days of time per year. The role will require some or all of the following:

  • A limited amount of travel within the UK will be expected to attend board meetings and other meetings as appropriate.
  • Attend quarterly board meetings/ plenaries.
  • Contributing to NIRAB/NIRO workshops to formulate advice on specific topics;
  • Providing input to and reviewing NIRAB and NIRO papers to be submitted to Government;
  • Providing ad-hoc expert advice to Government, through NIRO, on topic areas as they arise;
  • Writing or contributing to reports including any annual reports.

Successful candidates for NIRAB Membership will have experience in one or more of the areas listed in the table above, and Candidates will be selected to ensure that NIRAB includes a diverse composition of members with:

  • Experience of innovation which can be used to drive cost competitiveness;
  • A good understanding of the research and innovation needs of the nuclear industry relevant to the current policy areas of focus (i.e. SMRs and AMRs);
  • An understanding of the business drivers for the nuclear industry;
  • Experience of what works well in technology commercialisation;
  • Nuclear experience;
  • Experience of deployment of innovative technologies in other industries that could be deployed in nuclear;
  • Understanding of industry, academia, and research facilities.

Scope of the Role of Chair

The role of Chair of NIRAB is independent of Government and NIRO. In addition to chairing the main meetings of NIRAB the Chair may be called upon to represent the Board in discussions with other key stakeholder such as Ministers, Parliamentary select committees and attending meetings of the Nuclear Industry Council to discuss R&D issues. The Chair role is subject to agreement of contract including acceptable reimbursement of costs for expenses and their time.

The NIRAB chair will be selected to ensure on the basis they have a broad and diverse range of expertise and experience. In addition, the Chair should:

  • Independence: The Chair should not have any affiliation, alliance or commercial relationship with an organisation that could be a beneficiary of the advice offered to Government. Any such relationship could be seen to undermine advice provided to Government;
  • Integrity: The Chair must exhibit the integrity needed to engender the trust of both Board members and Government;
  • Understanding of the nuclear industry and the research and innovation needs of the UK nuclear industry;
  • An experienced or accomplished Chair / ability to optimise the effectiveness and efficiency of the Board by harnessing a range of views to identify common ground;
  • Sufficient standing to have credibility with Ministers;
  • Sufficient presence to make a compelling case to Ministers;
  • Effective and robust communication skills and the ability to identify and clearly articulate key messages with a range of groups, including Ministers, officials, the scientific community, and the public;
  • An international perspective;
  • Experience of or knowledge other industries - especially in technology development / commercialisation.